I think Mass Effect does an interesting thing here where you have some amount of choice. Like early on in our season, we really talked about the importance of your ability to customize a character to your liking, where I think you and I actually took sort of, or like, slightly different stances where I prefer to be more on rails than not. It just seemed the most interesting like, you know, and then the first Mass Effect starts out you're kind of ushered into like, your place, your potential as an important person in the human race as a Spectre.
So you're a soldier, Tim Shepard entered into the Alliance at an early age. But Is Tim Shepard a spacer, a colonist, or earth-born? Tell us your story now. I guess they call it Paragon - and what's the evil label? Okay, so Tim Shepard is a soldier who is halfway between good and evil. Maybe before you were like, "I name all my people, Tim." You may not have, and I may have just assumed. So Tim, tell us about Tim Shepard, captain of the Normandy. And we're gonna weave in some of these concepts as we go. So with all that in mind, this will be my opportunity to pick your brain about the Mass Effect universe. These are things about games in terms of their usability, their design choice, user experience stuff we talked about character, class, and customization, and the impact of those design choices on the player experience. Well, I think the idea here is that with the rest of the last season, like in the back of our mind, we have introduced some concepts that I think the other gaming podcasts haven't. And I've been playing it for what, five months? Six months? It's big, it's a lot. We couldn't get it until the Legendary Edition, which is the reboot, it didn't come out until May 14, so I'm sure I bought it that day. Yeah, so it was released - just some context. At this time, you have made it through, shoot, like 100 hours of gameplay between Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 3. We talked about Mass Effect, the Legendary Edition, and at some point, if folks ever have the inclination to go and listen back, you can hear as I gradually talk you, Tim, into sitting down and trying to play through what I think is one of the greatest series of all time. And all throughout this series or throughout this season, I have frequently brought up Mass Effect this, Mass Effect that. If we do this right, we're releasing this before November 7. This episode is brought to you by listeners like you at /designthinkinggames. You can find every episode, including this one on your podcatcher of choice and on the web at. Each episode, your podcast hosts, Tim Broadwater and Michael Schofield, will examine the player experience of board games, pen and paper role-playing games, live-action games, mobile games, and video games. Welcome to Design Thinking Games, a fantasy and user experience podcast.